Latest Past Events

Jumah Prayer Service

Austin State Hospital All Faiths Chapel 4110 Guadalupe St, Austin

Call to Jumah prayer is at 1:30 P.M. this Friday, at the All Faiths Chapel on the grounds of the Austin State Hospital at 41st and Guadalupe. Join us for prayers in community and an inspiring message. Every week we bring the Holy message of infinite Peace, Mercy and Compassion to longing hearts and lovers of Allah . Turn […]


Listening Heart

Laila Daniell Office Austin

Please join us for Listening Heart from 12:30 until 2:00. We meet at my home the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. I hope you can be with us for a time of the remembrance (meditation) and reading from Sidi’s book, How the Arrival is Realized. We then share from our hearts about our […]

Al Wird Phone Call

Conference Call

You are warmly invited to join us in reciting Al Wird (also referred to as the watering hole). We usually begin with personal check-ins and adding names of people needing our prayers. Also, we often repeat certain Qualities that help heal what group members are dealing with at the time.

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